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Building Quality Improvement Capacity for Your Organization

26 Sep 2023
11:30pm - 12:30pm EDT

Join Antonia Blinn from the MA Department of Public Health, and Zana Khoury from Tufts Medicine.


Building Quality Improvement capacity is important in all organizations.  This session will focus on QI capacity building models utilized at two Massachusetts institutions. Their equity-centered improvement models and structures will be highlighted, with in-depth reflections of the strengths and challenges of the approaches, lessons learned, and the importance of continuous quality improvement and evaluation of the program – practicing what we preach at all levels.  Opportunities for questions will be requested throughout the presentation. 


FREE event for members of NEAHQ

FREE event for members of MAHQ, OrAHQ, NCAHQ, FAHQ, AzAHQ, GAHQ, OAHQ by selecting your association's ticket type and using discount code provided by your association in the "Click here to enter your promotional code" at bottom of the ticket section. Note: 100% discount will process after code entry submission. 

$15 for non-members

NAHQ pending 1.0  hour CPHQ CE credits 








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26 Sep 2023
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NEAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
MAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
AzAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
NCAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
FAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
OrAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
GAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
OAHQ Member
26 Sep 2023
Sale Ended
Click here to enter your promotional code

26 Sep 2023
11:30pm - 12:30pm EDT

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